Categories products

Sudanese Whitish Sesame Seeds

  • Contents:
  • -Oil Content Min:48%

-Admixture Max:1%

-Purity Min:99%

-Foreign matter Max:2%

-FFA Max:2%

-Other color seeds Max:2%

-Moisture max:8%

Categories products

Sudanese Red Sesame Seeds

  • Contents:

-Oil Content Min:52%

-Admixture Max:2%

-Purity Min:99%

-Foreign matter Max:3%

-FFA Max:3%

-Other color seeds Max:3%

Categories products

Sudanese Sesame Seeds

  • General Description:

English name: Sesame

Scientific name: Sesamum indicum

The sesame crop is an important oil grain crop, as well as its role in

human food as seeds and oil. It is the basis for many food industries, such as the various industries.

  • Production:
  • Sesame is a tropical crop but its cultivation extends to temperate regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas with a total area of ​​13 million feddans.

Sesame cultivation is good in light yellow, heavy, silt and clay soil.

  • Maturation and harvest:
  • Sesame is cooked after 105 to 120 days of agriculture by category, region and temperature and the high marks of maturity yellowing leaves and falling with the yellowing of the lower horns to the leg and the emergence of these signs stop irrigation so that the plants do not get wet and lack of crop.
  • Food Value:

-100 g of seeds contain 573 calories.

-Minerals such as:phosphorus,potassium,calcium,manganese,zinc, iron.

-Vitamins:B,B2,B6,folic acid.

-Proteins and fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), tryptophan, thaeronin, valine and arginine.

·       Its Medical importance and uses:

-It contains calcium and antioxidants.

-Reduces cholesterol in the blood.

-Contributed to the treatment of dizziness.

-The treatment of tinnitus.

-A laxative and moisturizer for the treatment of cures.

-Protects against stomach ulcers.

-Gas repellent.

-The benefit of his papers in the treatment of bladder problems and

kidney diseases.

-Treatment of cases of Ishalifid in the treatment of haemorrhoids

-The treatment of cosmetics.

human food as seeds and oil. It is the basis for many food industries, such as the various industries.

  • Production:
  • Sesame is a tropical crop but its cultivation extends to temperate regions in Asia, Africa and the Americas with a total area of ​​13 million feddans.

Sesame cultivation is good in light yellow, heavy, silt and clay soil.

  • Maturation and harvest:
  • Sesame is cooked after 105 to 120 days of agriculture by category, region and temperature and the high marks of maturity yellowing leaves and falling with the yellowing of the lower horns to the leg and the emergence of these signs stop irrigation so that the plants do not get wet and lack of crop.
  • Food Value:

-100 g of seeds contain 573 calories.

-Minerals such as:phosphorus,potassium,calcium,manganese,zinc, iron.

-Vitamins:B,B2,B6,folic acid.

-Proteins and fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6), tryptophan, thaeronin, valine and arginine.

·       Its Medical importance and uses:

-It contains calcium and antioxidants.

-Reduces cholesterol in the blood.

-Contributed to the treatment of dizziness.

-The treatment of tinnitus.

-A laxative and moisturizer for the treatment of cures.

-Protects against stomach ulcers.

-Gas repellent.

-The benefit of his papers in the treatment of bladder problems and

kidney diseases.

-Treatment of cases of Ishalifid in the treatment of haemorrhoids

-The treatment of cosmetics.

Categories products

Peanut Meal

  • General Description:

Peanuts are among the legumes and grains, but because of their high oil content,they are also classified as oil crops.

The peanut meal is made from peanut residues of oil treatment as animal feed and fertilizer for soil. The peanut meal is used in cattle feed by livestock breeders as protein supplements.

Peanut meal nutritional value is high,and it is of a sweet taste and taste,It is acceptable to smell white or grayish white,In general, peanut yield is characterized by a high percentage of digestible protein of high biological value.

  • Production:

Firstly,the peanuts are planting irrigated in the clay plains and in the sand dunes.

Then Peanut meals is produced as a by-product of oil and fat extraction processes.

  • Food value of peanuts firstly and peanut meal:

-Good sources of some important vitamins as:B1,B2.

-Sources of phosphorus.

-Proportion of protein is 16-28%.

-Some minerals

-Acids needed by the human body.

  • peanut meal contents and values:

-The crude protein content shall not be less than 40%.

-The moisture content shall not exceed 12%.

-The crude fat content shall not exceed 8%.

-The crude fiber shall not exceed 12%.

-The crude ash shall not exceed 7%.

-Free of rot, insects and strange substances.

  • Uses:

It mainly uses as an animal feed or a good cascade for soil.

Categories products

Watermelon Seeds

  • General Description:

The seeds of melon fruit are usually black, brown or white with a white pulp.

  • Production:
  • Maturation and harvest:
  • Food value:

-Rich in manganesium,100 grams of melon pulp contains about 139% of man’s daily needs of magnesium.

– Each 100 grams of watermelon contain about 600 calories, most of which come from fats and other proteins and carbohydrates

-Full of some important amino acids such as: Lysine, -Tryptophan

– Free of cholesterol.

-Protein 37.4%

-Oil content 50-51%

-contains vitamin B complex compounds

  • Its Medical importance:

– Contains amino acids necessary for some vital processes of the body such as:

– Plays a role in increasing serotonin levels in the body and increases mood. (Tryptophan).

– Maintains the youth of the skin (Lysine which is important for absorption of calcium and collagen formation).

-Helps in heart functions(magnesium).

– Also rich in elements such as phosphorus,zinc,iron and copper

– Essential for the health of nervous system,digestive and skin health as well (vitamin B).

  • Uses:

-It uses as a light snack for cooking after it has been roasted.

– Used in the kitchen in general as it is added to the authorities of various kinds.

– Enter recipes for the treatment of aesthetic and health problems.