Sudanese Whitish Sesame Seeds
Contents: -Oil Content Min:48% -Admixture Max:1% -Purity Min:99% -Foreign matter Max:2% -FFA Max:2% -Other color seeds Max:2% -Moisture max:8%
Sudanese Red Sesame Seeds
Contents: -Oil Content Min:52% -Admixture Max:2% -Purity Min:99% -Foreign matter Max:3% -FFA Max:3% -Other color seeds Max:3%
Sudanese Sesame Seeds
General Description: English name: Sesame Scientific name: Sesamum indicum The sesame crop is an important oil grain crop, as well as its role in human food as seeds and oil. It is the basis for many food industries, such as the various industries. Production: Sesame is a tropical crop but its cultivation extends to temperate regions in … Continue reading Sudanese Sesame Seeds
Peanut Meal
General Description: Peanuts are among the legumes and grains, but because of their high oil content,they are also classified as oil crops. The peanut meal is made from peanut residues of oil treatment as animal feed and fertilizer for soil. The peanut meal is used in cattle feed by livestock breeders as protein supplements. Peanut meal nutritional … Continue reading Peanut Meal
Watermelon Seeds
General Description: The seeds of melon fruit are usually black, brown or white with a white pulp. Production: Maturation and harvest: Food value: -Rich in manganesium,100 grams of melon pulp contains about 139% of man’s daily needs of magnesium. – Each 100 grams of watermelon contain about 600 calories, most of which come from fats and other proteins and carbohydrates -Full … Continue reading Watermelon Seeds